Thursday, February 5, 2009

Blog Vs. Facebook

I am starting to wonder why I have both of these pages. Do I really need both? Is it time to end the blog and just keep the Facebook page? Last year at this time, I had neither page, and I was perfectly happy. Now I have this dilemma. Let's see if we can figure this out:

Reasons to End This Blog
1. I don't visit it or update it very often.
2. I don't have as many followers as I do on FB, especially since the CML L&P program ended. So, whatever I write on here reaches very few people. Actually, maybe this is a good thing, and a reason to keep the blog...
3. It doesn't have Flair, Super Poke Pets or Super Poke. (Which could actually be a mark against FB, if I think about it). I mean, aren't those just huge time-wasters? Fun, yes. Necessary, probably not.
4. I have just recently found the Notes section on FB, which is essentially the same thing as a blog.

Reasons to Keep This Blog:
1. It is purple. FB can't be purple.
2. CML may offer more L&P activities in the future, and I will probably need a blog for that. So I might as well just keep the one I have.
3. It is easier to maneuver around on here. I still haven't figured FB out completely.
4. FB can be very slow. It just locked up on me, giving me another reason to keep the blog.
5. I thought I had FB set to display my blog updates in the notes section, but it's not working now. My old posts are there, but not this new one. Grrrr..... [Edit: It's working now. Must not be instantaeous.]
6. It is purple!!

Hmmm...not the best reasons to keep the blog. I think I will post a poll on here and a status update on FB, and see what everyone else thinks. I know several people who keep up both a blog and a FB page. Maybe they have some words of wisdom.


  1. I think you should keep this blog. I try to keep my facebook as my more "fun" social network thingy. However, as you mentioned only a few people read the thoughts you put on this blog...same as mine...and its good to have an outlet for thoughts/feelings that you can blog. only a select group of people can read and comment on those blogs....

  2. I like the blog. In fact, I have to confess I pay more attention to blog posts than what's posted on Facebook, especially if I know that person has a blog.

    I love Facebook for socializing and re-connecting. I love blogs for really getting to know people.

    And a lot of my Facebook friends say they have learned a lot about me because of my blog.

    Okay, my 22 cents endeth.

  3. I like the formatting and layout of the blog better than FB. FB is really more frivolous stuff, and quick keep-in-touch stuff, while the blog seems, to me, to be more like the essay spot. That's just my 2 cents, though.
