Here are my 10 random things that Helene challenged us to do.
1. I love dark chocolate, which most people know. I like milk chocolate, too, but prefer dark. Strangely, I do not like chocolate chip cookies.
2. I have never seen "It's a Wonderful Life" all the way through. Seen the beginning, the end, and parts of the middle, but never the entire movie in one sitting. Every year I plan to do it, and every year I don't.
3. I LOVE "Family Guy." I know it's rude and crude; I don't want to laugh, but I do. (I just realized that rhymes. That was not intentional.)
4. I read the ending of every book I read before I get to it. Actually, I usually read the first 50 pages to get interested, and then skip to see how it ends. If I like the end, I finish the book. I tried to not do this with "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodie Picoult. BIG MISTAKE!!! I did not read the end of the Harry Potter books first, either, but I did look to see what the last word of the last book was.
5. I still have a stuffed dog, Bridget, that my grandmother gave me when I turned 1. She is in terrible shape (all her fur is gone, you can see where I had to do surgery on her years ago), but she means more to me than any other thing I own. She has a small couch that she sits on in my bedroom. I have given my family instructions to cremate her with me when I'm gone.
6. I've gone skiing once, and I will never go again. The most embarrassing moment of my life happened on a ski slope. I was on the tow rope, going up the baby hill, and I fell. Yes, I fell on the way up. On top of the tow rope. When you fall on a tow rope, it stops. This causes all of the other skiers on the rope to fall, too. I was not the most popular person on the slopes that afternoon.
7. I collect elephants.
8. I have never been to the Ohio State Fair. Well, technically, I was there once since my mom went when she was pregnant with me. But since I don't remember anything, I'm not counting that.
9. The only B I got in library school was in my children's services class. That's a bit embarrassing since that is what I do every day now.
10. My fantasy career would be to be a Broadway singer/actress/dancer. Since I am fairly uncoordinated (see #6), that was not to be. Second fantasy career would be an archaeologist. Since I really don't like heat, bugs or the outdoors in general, it's probably a better fantasy career than a reality. I'm glad I fell into libraries. If I wasn't doing this, I would probably be a teacher.
Well, there you have it. 10 random things about me. They seem fairly boring to me (no meeting famous people or living in fabulous places). I look forward to reading everyone else's random things.
Edit: just remembered one I wanted to include.
11. My full name is Kimbra, not Kimberly. I hated it when I was a kid, because it was different. Now, I really like it and get mildly ticked when people assume my knick-name is short for Kimberly.