Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lazy Blogger

I have not been a good blogger. I meant to add thoughts before now, and just haven't taken the time to do it.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Does it seem late to anyone but me? I have been off the whole month. Turkey Day was never a big deal in my house growing up. My folks didn't eat turkey, and it's not my favorite, either. So we didn't have a big meal. The only real tradition I remember is getting up to watch the Macy's parade and putting up the small Christmas tree in my room. My parents had a 3 foot tall tree for my brother and I. We always put those trees up in our bedrooms on Thanksgiving. We had our own ornaments, too. Mark's were all sports-related, and most of mine were animals. I still have some of them that I now use on our big tree in my own home.

I loved that small tree. I loved it so much, that I continue the tradition with my own kids. Will and Lainey each have their own 3 foot tree that they will put up tomorrow. Will has a collection of penguin ornaments (many that I purchased in Frankenmuth) for his tree. This year, Lainey threw me a curve ball. She wanted to "change" her ornaments. She didn't want the pink ornaments we have always put on her tree. This year she wanted blue ones. Hmmmm. Changing traditions. I was not sure I could buy-in to this. But, I do like blue at Christmas, and it was my dad's favorite color. So, we bought some new blue ornaments. I think she will have a lovely tree. I hope my kids are enjoying this tradition as much as I always did.

1 comment:

  1. WE used to put a small tree in Simon's room when he was little . . . but then we got REALLY lazy and started using the little tree as our family tree. Part of it is that we have 2 cats who would destroy a large tree during all those hours they're here alone each day. I still feel a little guilty about it, though.
