Wednesday, August 27, 2008

#7: Blog about technology

Hmmmm...I don't know much about how technology works. But I sure get aggravated when it doesn't. One thing that really annoys me is passwords. Just to use work-related technology software, I have 8 different user name/password combinations. I finally had to write them all down. That doesn't even count the logins that get me into the computers at the desk or help me over-ride filters, etc. To get into sites that I subscribe to, I have an additional set of 9 user names/passwords. (Yes, I wrote those down, too.) Can't someone invent a thumb-print reader to let me sign in to these tools faster? Can't my monitor just see that it's me and let me on? Sorry, this wasn't supposed to be a rant about technology (oops.) I understand the need for unique user names and passwords, I just don't like to have so many of them!

I am loving this whole Learn and Play program! I would never have done this on my own. Having a structured, guided way to learn and having permission to play is making me a better technology user. Things I was once afraid of, or didn't think I had a use for, I am now learning to appreciate.

I did post some comments on other blogs. And got up the courage to read those posted on mine. Usually, when I see comments posted on other (non-work) blogs, they are snarky or just plain mean. I am pleased to see my co-workers are not following that same pattern. Thanks to those of you who responded kindly to my whiny post.

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